Neighbouring rights are the royalties generated by the broadcast, public performance, online streaming, private copying, etc. of any commercially released sound recording. Any performer who makes an audible contribution to a sound recording is entitled to a receive a share of the royalty generated.

Mixers, engineers and recorders do not qualify in any territory, however programmer and studio producers can recover the royalties generated in a number of territories. Contact us to find out more.

PRS and similar societies administer royalties of compositions. IPRG administers the royalties of recorded performance contributions.

Our combined 35+ years experience in royalties collection means that we are able to assess any relevant gaps in a society's database. This allows our dedicated team to recover any funds otherwise unavailable/not trackable and ensure that you are properly remunerated for your performances.

These responsibilities can be picked up by the artist him/herself or the representative, should they see fit and be qualified to do so. The close working relationships with the organisations we collect from and our standardised process facilitate the collection in all countries, generating quicker results.

Unlike other societies, we have no fixed distribution period. This depends on the distribution schedule of each society, however upon receipt of your royalties from a society will we distribute these to you within 14 days.

The legislative structure for the use of sound recordings differs in the US, therefore US citizens do not automatically qualify for this revenue. Contact us to find out more.

No fees are charged to register with us. We exclusively work on a commission basis.